Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy (CTUMP) worked with the Delegations from University of Washington and Medical Education Exchange Teams (MEET) U.S.A (October 28 – November 02, 2018)
Within the Collaborative Programs, Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy (CTUMP) worked with combined delegations including University of Washington (UW) and Medical Education Exchange Teams (MEET), the U.S.A. The delegation carried out Educational Exchange for CTUMP’s lecturers and students from October 29 to November 2, 2018 and review examination on October 28.
Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy (CTUMP), represented by Rector Board of CTUMP; concerning faculties and departments consisting of Faculty of Medicine (07 departments of Anesthesia, Family Medicine, Imaging Diagnosis, Psychiatry, Obstetrics, Surgery and Internal Medicine); Faculties of Public Health, Dentistry, Nursing and Medical Technology, and Basic Sciences have welcomed and worked with the delegations during the week.
The combined delegations including 34 members represented by Prof. Helen Sikov, Dr. Jacqui Murphy, and Prof. Rob Gertler (MEET delegation); and Prof. Richard Veith (University of Washington). There were professors, doctors and experts in 8 different educational exchange groups.
Working activities and outcomes:
On October 28, 33 operated cases in 2017 (22 cases of Urology, 11 cases of Cleft) have been re-examined. 10 cases of Urology, 3 cases of Cleft will be done surgery for the second stage.
Numerous activities on educational exchange topics and clinical practice sessions between CTUMP, MEET and UW delegations were successfully done in various fields of family medicine, imaging diagnosis, anesthesia, psychiatry, dentistry, hospice and conversational English. There were 3 continuing medical education classes on psychiatry, anesthesia attracting 70 participants.
Also, several meetings were held to discuss about future collaboration, the next programs, the pediatric surgery program for mal-formation children, and proposal for the cooperation in scientific research and publishing in of international journals.