Contact Department Lead

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Onocology Project Lead
United States
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Kelly is a medical oncologist trained at UW, now working for Univ. of Pennsylvania in collaboration with Vin Mec Hospital and Vin University in Hanoi to develop oncology care and education. Kelly has been living in Hanoi for a year.  She contacted MEET a couple of months ago inquiring about volunteer opportunities with MEET to improve oncology care for poor people. We have introduced Kelly to several MEET Projects Leaders working on projects involving cancer care, including Anh and Cyrus (regarding their hospice teaching projects), Hubert (regarding oncology imagining and nuclear medicine) and Helen (regarding social work). And we've told her about other Project Leaders doing work impacting cancer patients, including Hung (ENT cancer surgery), Steve (radiation therapy), Jacqui (anesthesiology), Susan (nutrition) and Connie (cervical cancer).

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